Choose Joy And Empowerment During Life’s Greatest Changes And Challenges

Get the support, education, and solutions you need for what may be the hardest and most important role of your life

A woman with a cane from NOVA

Home Medical Products That Empower Real People in a Positive Way

Providing loved ones with necessary care, comfort, or assistance with everyday tasks can be an epic undertaking. The mental and emotional challenges can seem insurmountable and endless.

You are not alone. You can access information, resources, and compassionate partners who will provide you with support and solutions to make life easier and better, one day at a time.

You’ll also find support, products, and empowerment in NOVA’s comprehensive HME catalog. We believe that choosing joy is possible, even in the face of challenges, and the devices your loved ones use to live life to the fullest should reflect that joy.

Visit your local HME dealer or independent pharmacy, a great support partner and to see and experience the full range of NOVA products.

Education & Resources

Anyone can improve their health and well-being with the right information and a positive, proactive mindset. This is especially true for those facing changes or transitions related to aging and recovery. 

In other words… 

Most falls can be prevented.

Most mobility struggles can be improved.

Most recoveries can be easier.

Most of life’s challenges can be overcome.

Use NOVA’s free educational resources to help your customers stay healthy and choose joy with a safe and empowered lifestyle. 

NOVA Home Medical Equipment


a pharmacy or medical supply store employee guiding an older female customer to view home safety products, NOVA HME products visible on back wall; The Bone Store

Human Relationships: The Best Marketing for Pharmacists

Independent pharmacies don’t always have the cash or resources to run extensive marketing campaigns. Even if you have a higher marketing budget, it can still be difficult to convince people to choose your store over websites like Amazon and big chain store pharmacies. How can

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Older woman with younger, female assisted living caregiver

Essential Assisted Living Accessories by NOVA

Providing care to your clients and patients in assisted living and at home is vitally essential to their well-being and quality of life. Perhaps even more important and valuable is the peace of mind you give to their family and loved ones.  Your job requires

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